Tuesday, September 15, 2015


"Tell others how much you love them, how you value them. Always remember, with your words you carry life-giving water. You carry hope, healing, encouragement and new beginnings, and you can pour it out everywhere you go."


FOCUS on the GOOD.

Monday, September 14, 2015


Oh Father God, thank You for all the blessings that You have showered upon us. Along with these blessings, You have given us lessons to learn and experiences to reflect on. Thank You for the love that You make us feel through our family and friends. You blessed us with these instruments so that we may never feel alone and there will be someone who can make us smile and even frown, but then again, they are still the reason why we are here, why we are stronger, making it through life. Thank you oh Father for the life that you have given us, that you have prepared for us. I know Father that life will never be easy without You, that's why I will keep clinging on to You for your grace, love, peace, compassion, forgiveness and mercy and keep on believing that You, oh Father, is working it out for my good. Thank You for not giving up on me, for your patience with me. Despite of being unworthy because of my sinfulness, you have never given up on me. Oh Father in Heaven, I continue to ask for your mercy and forgiveness. Forgive me oh Lord, for the sins that I have committed - for the pride, anger, lies, laziness, insecurities, all the negative feelings that can destroy me oh Father. Lord, help me to overcome all of these as I don't want them to destroy my relationship with and faith in You. Forgive me oh Father, that I often forget to do my prayer time and at times doubt your faithfulness in Your promises. Oh Lord, You asked us to believe in You, to believe in Your love, and to have faith in Your promises. That's why dear Father, I will keep on believing that you will always be our Great God, our Great Provider and Great Protector in Heaven. Lord, rule over our lives that we may instill in our hearts the lessons that You want us to learn. Oh Father, You have already given us so much, and I know you never fail us, but I will keep on asking you, seeking you, and knocking on Your door for protection, good health, more blessings and resources to be able to provide for our families. Oh Father, I ask you to bless my husband, You have given him so much energy and eagerness to give the best for me and our daughter. Lord, bless his heart, mind and soul, bless him with wisdom and discernment that he may create decisions and act according to your will. Protect him oh Father from any temptation that can ruin our marriage and family. Bless him with a humble heart oh Father, with longer patience and stronger faith in You.

Oh dear Father in Heaven, I lift up to you my daughter. Keep her away from harm, protect her from any illness or disease. Protect her oh Father whenever I can't. Equip me and my husband oh Father that we may guide her and she will grow up as a good Christian. Bless her with a happy heart and positive disposition, and that she may fulfill all her dreams when she grows up. Lord oh Father, we pray that we may be able to be with her as soon as possible, I believe that you will take care of everything because you don't want families to be separated from each other. Lord, I just lift up to you our plans, but still your plans are far better than ours. Lord, oh Father, You have given us so much in our life, if we just pray and reflect on them, we will know that it is only through Your love that we will be able to get through this life.

I pray as well for those who are brokenhearted, those who have been deeply hurt and their spirits crushed by people they loved and trusted. Heal their hearts of pain and restore them completely. Help them love and trust again. Father I pray you restore the the loss with amazing people to love and value them. Heal those who are sick, protect those countries that are in the middle of a war. Touch the hearts of their leaders, that they may stop whatever inhumane activities they are doing. May your love shine and rule over their hearts.

Lord, oh Father. I pray for healing, for wisdom and discernment. Bless me oh Father, with a humble heart, a heart that is full of peace, love, hope and faith in You. Heal me oh Father from the insecurities and doubts. Help me oh Father to respect and trust my husband and love him because he truly deserve it. Lord, I ask you to guide me in my everyday life. I surrender everything to you oh Lord, I surrender to You my life. Do what is good for me, lead me oh Father, touch my heart and speak to me and I will listen.

I ask all of these, in Jesus' Name, and with the intercession of our Mother Mary, Amen.

"Jesus, I trust in You."

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Yesterday, I opened up to my husband...

I opened up about how he most of the time, cancels all the "dates" I plan and promise to reschedule it to some other day, 'coz he is really tired, or something comes up with our friends, then here comes the day again, which eventually gets cancelled again, over and over again until it never pushes through. Yes, that happened.

Also, there are times when I ask him if we could go somewhere, go on out-of-town trips together, discover new places together... somewhere where we could have each other on to ourselves - without the company of friends. Well, that I have yet to wait to happen. I feel like he doesn't want to be with me... am I boring? Am I not fun to be with? Well... Why did he choose to marry me anyway? Or is it just because he is not that kind of person? 

Apparently, he apologized for the kind of attitude. But I still have to wait, whether there will be any improvement. 

However, there is still one issue I never got to discuss with him 'coz I don't want to discuss it with him at all.

He and his two best buddies formed a group message in Facebook. I accidentally opened this "chat room" one day and discovered they share few photos of a girl we all know through a community. I don't what they are up to, I don't know why. Our friends say it is just a way of making fun of each other, but oh no, wait... two of them are married! Why still do that kind of stuff?

I didn't want to discuss it with him so I just settled with our girlfriends, eventually I just laughed it off. But at the end of the day, I still have this heavy feeling. Paranoid? Nagger? Controlling?

So I pray...

Dear Lord, thank you for blessing me with my husband. Thank you for all the things that we've shared together - blessings, graces, trials, struggles, good times and bad times. Thank you for choosing him to be the person who will complete me and complement me, and be by my side in every phase of our life. Lord, I know most of the times, we tend to forget You, that's why I am asking for your grace that we may be able to make You the center of our relationship. Oh dear Father, send us your Holy Spirit to guide us and bless us the wisdom and discernment, that we may not think of each other with something negative, something that can harm our marriage. Lord, as your Scripture said... "Find Rest, O My Soul, In God alone," I know it is you alone who can touch our heart and mind, it is You alone who can help us to appreciate all the small things that my husband do for us, for our relationship. It is You alone who can give peace in our hearts. Lord, I want to trust. I don't want to be controlling. I want to be more trusting, patient, more forgiving and understanding. Lord, mold me and use me to show my husband how a marriage should be, eventually making him lead, making him be the family man is ought to be. Our dear Father, I ask you to take away all the negative feelings inside my heart, the insecurities, the doubts, the fears, worries... and replace them with peace, faith in You, trust, joy and love - the same love that you have for us. Teach us to love more, oh Heavenly Father.  All this I pray, in the might name of your Son, Jesus, Amen.

Sunday, September 6, 2015


I received a message from my husband, while I was busy at work, that he is having muscle cramps again. He asked me if I could just join my colleague's carpool going home from work instead of him picking me up. My mind started wondering and wandering again. He asked me the same thing last Thursday but unfortunately, my colleague went home early and he has no choice but to fetch me. 

Back to my story... Yes, as my mind wonders and wanders, there it is again! That prick in my heart and mind. That prick that brings me to negative world - paranoia. I started making questions - what if my husband isn't really not feeling well? What if there is someone else? What if he is just making excuses just to see another woman? What if? Apparently, I went far. Then, I cried...

I cried because I don't want this, I don't want to be like this.

When will I ever learn to fully trust him, again? When will I be worry-free? When will I stop being paranoid? 

So I pray...

 Dear Lord, as you said... "Be strong, do not fear." I believe you will rescue me from this solitude I bring to myself. I believe it is You alone who can help me to swim strong before the ocean swallows me into the deep. I believe for whatever it is that my husband is doing, you will always know it and will going to make it right. Oh dear Lord, please bless my heart. Bless me that I will be healed, and may learn to forget what happened in the past, and truly trust my husband. Teach me Oh Father, to respect his actions and touch my mind to receive thy wisdom and discernment that could help me in understanding and accepting my husband. Please bless as well my husband's heart and mind, Lord, that he may have the patience in understanding me until I am healed completely. Keep him away from any temptation that could harm and ruin our marriage. Oh dear Father, equip us to become the best spouse that we can be to each other, in Jesus Name I pray. Amen.